What Is VoIP Security? February 15, 2018March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team What Is VoIP Security? By: Laura Rupert Security is an obvious concern when it comes to any sort of technology, but even more
Source Hashing – Why it’s Important January 18, 2018March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team You might have heard about a data breach where password files were stolen, or wondered how your information is kept secure online. One
Cybersecurity: A Heartbeat Away January 15, 2018March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team Imagine a pacemaker that your doctor can configure wirelessly, and which can be monitored remotely. It sounds like a medical breakthrough. What could
Source: Google SHAttered December 4, 2017March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team For years, the SHA-1 algorithm served as one of the encryption backbones of the internet. It was used in a number of applications,
Why You Need a Password Manager November 30, 2017March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team As our online lives have expanded, so have the number of passwords we have to remember. Passwords for email accounts, bank accounts, social
Real World Cybersecurity November 10, 2017March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team Hollywood often portrays cybersecurity as something exciting and glamorous, with a hero rushing in to rescue a computer network just in the nick
Source How Do You Know a Website Is Secure? November 6, 2017March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team More than half of the most popular websites in the world still do not have HTTPS enabled. What is HTTPS? In a nutshell,
Critical Infrastructure at Risk November 2, 2017March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team It seems hardly a week goes by without a report about some system being hacked. Hospital breaches, cyberwarfare, ransomware attacks – the list
2FA – What is it? October 18, 2017March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team With the endless cycle of news about breaches and hacked accounts, many people start to wonder how they can better protect their digital
The Future of Cyber War September 30, 2017March 12, 2018Privacy Tech Team In 2010, the world was introduced to what was possibly the first incident involving cyberwarfare. The Stuxnet malware had infected Iranian nuclear